Meet The Team!

Jas Nisic
5 min readJan 27, 2021


Welcome to the Library Peer Network, a student led online space with the aim of providing support to underrepresented students. Meet the faces behind the screen!

Student’s facing backwards in red T-shirts that reads Library Student Team
Meet The Team — Library Peer Network

Jas Nisic, Graduate Team

Mathematics and Musical Theatre

Jas rowing a blue boat
Picture of Jas

Hello! I’m Jas and I’m unapologetically Mancunian and strongly identify as working class; I grew up on a council estate and attended a failing school but despite that I was the first in my family to attend University. I graduated from The University of Manchester with a First and Distinction in my BSc(Hons) and MSc in Mathematics. Now, I’m an Actor-Singer, after graduating with a Distinction from the Royal Academy of Music in Musical Theatre and co-run my own theatre company, Blue Balloon Theatre. I also love cats, singing and have a passion for cake!

Fatimah Opebiyi, Student Team


Fatimah sat on green grass
Picture of Fatimah

Hi, I am Fatimah, a postgraduate research student at the School of Social Sciences. I am in my third year. I am from an underrepresented background and have come to realise that my background does not have to negatively influence my future. My mind is the only thing that can limit me. This understanding pushes me to achieve more. Joining the student team has been one of my best decisions as the role provides me with the skill-set required in my choice of career. I love listening to music and spending time in nature.

Xavier Banson, Graduate Team


Xav sat in front of sign for Stories of Black Leaders
Picture of Xavier

Hey everyone! Being a working class student of colour has always been central to my identity, to the point where it informed the majority of choices I made when it came to module and assignment selection. For me, that was the best thing about studying History. I was able to study and write about exactly what I was interested in. It was the only reason I graduated with a first class masters! My dissertation, which was about the relationship between African and Caribbean people in Black Britain, was super interesting and allowed me to stay really engaged when the going got tough.

Olivia Mak, Student Team


Olivia stood at a bridge with a city in the background
Photo of Olivia

Hey everyone, I’m Olivia and I’m studying for a PhD in Psychology at the University of Manchester. Before the PhD, I did a Master’s in Neuroimaging for Clinical & Cognitive Neuroscience here too (and a psychology degree at York). I’m originally from Hong Kong but have grown up mainly in Stockport (via Vancouver). I attribute my love of travelling to picking up the travel bug as a toddler moving across continents! As an Asian growing up in Western society, I’ve come to appreciate different cultures and how we all have something worthwhile to contribute to the communities we live in and the world at large. Perhaps for this reason, I enjoy learning new languages. I also like playing racket sports (I count table tennis in that!), doing yoga, listening to music and writing.

Fatima Abdullahi, Student Team

Materials Science

Fatimah smiling with an earphone in left ear
Photo of Fatima

Hey everyone, my name is Fatima and I’m a first year material science and engineering student. I completed MAP in 2019. I loved physics and chemistry in A-levels which is why I picked Materials since it combines them.

Kerry Scott, Teaching, Learning and Student Development Intern


Kerry sat outside with a big grin in the sun
Photo of Kerry

Hi everyone! I’m Kerry, I was initially discouraged from applying to Russell Group Universities like Manchester by my academic advisor in Sixth Form but persevered and in the end graduated with a First in History! I loved taking a range of modules from different disciplines throughout my degree as well as contributing to The Mancunian’s music section. I love music (especially cheesy 70’s tunes) and have a avid interest in film.

Jakub Lusnak, Student Team

Physics with Theoretical Physics

Jakub stood in front of sky scrapers and a very blue river smiling
Photo of Jakub

Hey! My name is Jakub and I study Physics. I come from a little village in the north of Slovakia. My family were not always in a good financial situation, so it was my determination that decided which high school to go to and later which university. I have worked since I was able to and it sometimes hindered my studies, but nevertheless I have never stopped trying my best and pursuing my dreams which resulted in getting into The University of Manchester. Besides studying Physics and Maths I also like video editing, coding and planning of any kind! Oh, and I also love travelling, while doing my internships at different research facilities — so I like to connect work and travel!

Sara Knurowska, Student Team


Sara stood in front of two trees one with yellow flowers on them smiling
Photo of Sara

Hi all! My name is Sara and I study Biotechnology. Before University, I worked as a carer and originally chose to study Geography. Five weeks into the course, I noticed that I mostly enjoy doing science and would like to apply what I do to the real world. This caused me to change my degree. To be a biotechnologist, I believe, it is essential to keep in mind that what you do will impact the Earth System (so the Geography will become useful!). Aside from studying, I am also a part-time tutor and am looking forward to learning new skills in my role as a Student Team member at the library.

Nuura Ahmed, Student Team


Hi everyone, I’m Nuura and I am currently in my first year studying Architecture. I am the first in my family to attend university and completed the MAP programme during my A levels which really aided me in getting here.

